Our company has the experience to process your state health department permits for restaurants, catering, and hotels. We handle new construction, remodeled facilities, or change of ownership. We will make recommendations based upon our experience to make sure your permit gets approved. Let our experts take care of the permitting while you take care of your business.

While many contractors are state registered, some municipalities require registration with the local building department as well. We will review your paperwork and ensure that you have all of the required documentation, avoiding potential delays in the processing of your permits or inspections.
Consulting Services
Consulting service includes a variety of areas related to site development and building permits.
One specific area of Elite’s consulting service was created as an alternative to private provider services. Most jurisdictions require that if we do the plan review, we also do the inspections. We understand that private provider services can sometimes be cost prohibitive, therefore we also offer a portion of our services as consulting.
Our professional staff can provide a wide range of consulting activities related to the construction industry, including but not limited to:
Permit closeouts – In the course of selling a home, there may be open permits on your property that need to be finaled in order for your sale to close. Our permit specialists will evaluate and coordinate with the jurisdiction to resolve these hurdles and make it to the finish line.
Design pressure calculations – Florida Building code requires all exterior openings to meet minimum design loads. Our engineering professionals can calculate the required numbers for your project and provide the required documents for permit submittal.
Engineer letters – During the course of a building project, inspection may be inadvertently missed. With minimal destruction, our inspectors can perform an after the fact inspection to verify code and plan compliance.
Owner Inspections – Our trade inspectors will ascertain if the work has been done according to plans/specifications, county requirements, Florida Building Code and evaluate structural, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing completion.
Fire Stop inspections – Our Certified Fire Inspectors will perform penetration and joint inspections as required by NFPA 1 Section 12.3.2.
Contractor’s License Submittal/Renewal – Our permit specialists will compile and submit the necessary requirements for your county or city contractor’s license.
Department of Health License – Any establishment preparing and serving food to the public such as a restaurant, fast food service, café, sandwich shop, bar or lounge, or food service in a mall, food court, or flea market requires a Florida department of Health License. Our permit professionals will work with you to compile and submit the necessary requirements to the FDOH