Our Services
Elite Permits of Lee, our Fort Myers Branch provides permitting services, plan review and building inspections similar to the services provided by the local building departments. When you use Elite Permits, however, you get the added benefit of a knowledgeable professional reviewing your documents for accuracy and reducing the number of re-submittals, thereby reducing the amount of time and stress involved.
Private Provider
Plan Review and inspections as alternative to local building department.
We are here to help you
Why spend time waiting at the building department when you can be doing more productive things for your business? Let us help you with the permitting process while you use your valuable time growing your business. Many times after waiting good 20-30 mins in line you learn that you can’t submit because there was one document that you did not have ready, so you have to come back the next day.
We can make sure that your application is completed and you have the paperwork that the local government needs, plus we do all the waiting for you. We can create special packages that suit your specific needs.
Meet Our Team
Alyssa Soter
Office Manager
Sarah Little
Building Inspector
Romar Carrero
Permit Technician
Our Expertise
Residential Permit Expediting
Multifamily Residential Permits
Building Permits
Educational Permitting
Health and Fitness Permitting
Pool Permits
Call Us
Reach Us
2150 Edison Ave A, Fort Myers, FL 33901
Open Hours
Monday- Friday :
7:30 AM - 4:30 PM